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Reputation Studios are still working hard to bring you the gear you love.
We are still shipping with no delays!

Some of our community have hit us up on some key questions, so here are some FAQs and our responses:

If I order from Reputation Studios will it arrive?
Yes. All orders are being processed. Our shipping partners are keeping us up to date, but we are not experiencing any disruptions.
There have been no restrictions on shipping from our home in the EU.

Are Reputation Studios taking precautions and what are they?
Generally, the Reputation Studios family all work under one roof. However, due to the circumstances, those who can work remotely do, and the warehouse and manufacturing teams are being instructed on the recommended safe work practices. Work areas are regularly and thoroughly cleaned, people work in shifts, and contact is limited.
We monitor the situation closely and follow government recommendations.
The health of our Lakenzie family and community is our first priority.

Stay safe and look damn good doing it,
The team at Reputation Studios

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